more than I could ever dream

It is a feeling that you can’t put into words. An emotion of complete unbelief that this is actually real. You saw God before your eyes, laying out all the people, the places, and events to make it all make sense now. You now know why you had to go through one of the toughest seasons of your life, you realize all the tears you cried made up for a whole lot of joy, and your faith truly was the only thing that kept you afloat. You have seen the answered prayer right before your eyes.

But, let’s take it back to when I thought “it could never happen.”

January 2020 is titled in my mind as the month “the lowest Jorja has ever felt.” I was a second semester Junior who thought being a teacher was what her life was set out to be. Ever since a second grader, this has always been my dream. Then something started stirring in my heart and a voice telling me, “trust me.” I didn’t know what God meant then, but soon I figured out.

I caught myself sitting in my teaching classes, not motivated, completely uninterested, and a loss of passion. What was I thinking? This has been my dream! Why am I not excited about being a teacher?That is when I took it to the Lord above and asked, “do you really want me to teach? If not, show me what you want me to do. It’s you and me, Jesus.”

I just boarded myself on the faith train and was on a journey that truly would change my life.

The tears I cried in 2020 are too many to count. The loss of control I thought I had for my future was gone. everything I worked for, disappeared. But, the Lord set a new word on my heart in the mist of sadness and confusion: “ministry.” The word echoed in my head for months, but I didn’t know what it meant until later.

I changed my major, I graduated not as a teacher, but still on the lookout for a job. I was jobless for two months, constantly applying for jobs, and my email inbox being filled with rejection letters. Until one day, I applied for a job I felt was a “long shot.”

“There is no way I could get this job, but it’s in ministry, so let’s apply and see what happens.”

When I wasn’t applying for jobs, I was with Jesus. I was soaking in every word I read in the Bible, praying on my knees that a job would lay in my lap, and I would still hear His sweet voice say, “trust me.”

The next week, I checked my email and found an interview invitation. It was from the “long shot job” that I thought I didn’t stand a chance. I went to the interview, fell in love with it’s people, it’s mission, and Presence of the Lord was all throughout the interview.

The next day, I found out I got the job.

A job that not only will make me an addition to the team, but an asset. A job that pours into my spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. A job filled with mentors and friends that all are in love with Jesus. A job who’s mission is to reach out to everyone to encourage and show them the love of Christ.

Do you see what He did? Do you see it! Over a year of confusion and feeling lost lead to a job that made me feel at peace and safe. I asked the Lord time and time again to be apart of ministry, and He did plus more.


My friend, HE hears your prayers, He is so faithful! He wants to see you succeed, but most importantly He wants you to succeed WITH Him. I thought I was a one woman show until the Lord took my heart and said “trust me.” Trusting the Lord is one of the greatest things you can do in this lifetime. It will bring you to the most amazing people, the most extraordinary places, and give you the BEST stories.

The feeling I STILL feel to this day is complete unbelief. This job is too good to be true, but He knew all along that I would never be in a classroom teaching some middle schoolers, but connecting with friends from all over the world spreading the joy of Jesus. He knew I wasn’t going to happy when He told me to shift majors, but He was the only one that remained steady and firm. He knew all along that this is where He wanted me to be.

xoxo, Jo

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