John 6:38

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me.”

You. Yes, YOU!

You are sent.

If you are like me, I have been raised in a Christian household for many years and I have typically heard the phrase, “you are chosen” many times. I knew that I was chosen by Him before I even chose Him. I know that I was chosen on purpose and for a purpose.

BUT, to be chosen, you are automatically sent.

The places you are sent to can vary from being a mom inside your household, a college girl on your college campus, in your classrooms, or even at your cubicle at work.

Wherever you at, you were sent there for a reason.

Not to do “whatever you want.” To fulfill the purpose and the intention on WHY God has you there.

I bet you can look back on your life right now, remember the places you have been and see why you were there. Maybe it was for a specific person, an experience to grow your faith, or maybe just to remind you God is right there with you.

The detail, the timing, and the placement was all planned by Him even before it became a thought on your mind.

You are being the hands and feet of Jesus RIGHT NOW where you are at. Life with Him is better and what He will do through you is beyond anything you could imagine.

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