you are more than wanted, you belong.

When I was in high school, I would dream about the day of being “somebody’s.”. He would chose me over the most popular girl in school. He would give me a necklace with his initial on it. Then we run away together to the school’s musical and sing “Breaking Free.” The crowd would go crazy and we would become the “it” couple in the high school halls.

This just proves, I watched too much of High School Musical, but besides the point.

I wanted a boy to want me. I wanted the title of “taken” in my Instagram bio, but that never happened. All throughout high school, I was never the girlfriend. I remember crying in my bed over the fact that I was single and I felt like I was “unwanted.” It wasn’t “cool” in my mind to be single, but then the Lord showed me that I was more than “wanted” by any high school football player, but I already belonged to someone.

Maybe you didn’t want to be wanted by the football player, but you can’t tell me that there wasn’t a moment in your life that longed to be somebody’s. It could have been apart of a friend group, by the boy in your science class, the man in the cubicle across from you, or even your family.

The Lord placed the emotion of “longing to be somebody’s” to be filled.

  • It can’t be filled by a friend
  • It can’t be filled by your significant other
  • It can’t be filled by your family

It can only be filled by Him.

let me show you 16 words that changed my life.

In Isaiah 43:1 your Creator and loving Father said these words over you.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, You are mine.”

You are His. Not only are you His, but He knows your name. He pursues you like no other human ever could. He chases after your heart. He is captivated by your beauty. He sees you as someone who He can’t stand to be without. You are His.

Now, I know that sometimes it’s hard feeling unwanted or feeling like no one wants to know your heart, but never forget this. The God who made the stars, everyone in the world, and knows the plan of each and every person, and is still in love and in awe of you. No one could ever take your place in His heart because there is no one else like you. He wanted you.

This world will always try to make you feel less than what you are, but know that you mean everything to God. He wanted you so bad that He sent His Son to the cross to die for you. He wanted to have a relationship with you. He wanted to talk to you everyday. He wanted you to know that you two would become an unbreakable duo. You are more than wanted, you belong to Him. You are His.

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