
"Besties w/ Jesus"

“Besties w/ Jesus” is 30-day devotional learning and discovering the characteristics of best friend we can find in Jesus. This relationship with Him is so much more than believing you will see Him in Heaven when this life is over, He wants to start this friendship with you NOW! Right now!

The friendship can have with Him this far better than any friendship you could have earth. He is friend who is forever your side, who understands you completely, cheers you on, and loves you immensely.

He is more just your way to Heaven, He is your best friend. Come on, let me introduce to Him.

“Besties with Jesus” is available on Amazon. To your devotional today, click here.



Your Freshman year of college… 

What you are about to embark is next chapter of your life can be summed up into two words: life changing. You are going to meet Jesus in a w3ay your never have before and see that His Closeness, He Realness, and His Provision as reals as it can be. This is time in life to own your faith and let Him walk alongside you during this journey called “college.”

To college with Him! “FRESHMAN” can purchased on Amazon. You devotionals today!