Hello beautiful fiends!

I hope that you are all doing SO well and that your summer so far has been relaxing and full of sun! I know we all need it!
I am so excited to start this new devotional series with you where we dive into more on the questions we ask God daily
“when God”
“where God?”
“why God?”
“how God?”
“who God?”
If you are like me, I ask these questions RELIGIOUSLY! Today we are going to focus on the question, “why”
I know all of us have had moments in our life where we just look up to the Lord and ask
– why is this happening to me?
– why do they get this and I don’t?
– why can’t you give me _____?
The truth is, the Lord gives us what we need and not everything we want in that moment. You have to remind yourself that the Lord knows a little bit more than we do;). There is a time for EVERY SINGLE moment in your life (Ecclesiastes 3). He has it planned to the “T” and I promise you, if that desire or want is set from the Lord then He will give it to you. It’s just in time.
The bottom line is that when things happen to you and you don’t know why, the answer is this
In John 13:7 Jesus tells us that you will have things happen in your life that you don’t understand, but one day you will. ONE DAY YOU WILL! You will understand the reason why you cried all those tears, went through that heartbreak, was told “no”, and why the Lord prompts you to do certain things. I have realized that the Lord will put people in your path that have been through some of the same circumstances as you. That’s not an accident, it’s the Lord letting you help them. God uses people to help grow His kingdom and you are a part of His team! We have to go through some tests to grow a testimony.
Now, the good part is this. The Lord doesn’t put anything in your path that you can’t handle.
In 1 Corinthians 10:13 says this, “No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it.”
You can do all things through Him. You can GET through all things with Him. Always remember the answer to “why”. He wants to use you. Let Him.
Now let me ask you this, has God showed you “why” ______ happened? Tell me in the comments.
Heavenly Father, I pray for sweet friend on the other said of the screen. Lord, I pray that you are constantly reminding her that she is being used. Every single moment in her life, she is bringing glory to your name. When my friend embarks these challenges in life, hold their hand and let them know that you are with them. Nothing is too big to handle for you, Jesus.
In you name I pray,

3 Replies to “Asking God “Why””

  1. Jo this was so great i follow you and tiktok and I love what you are doing just keep up the great work. Have a great day my friend!!!!!

  2. Yes, I have recently went through failed friendships of many years. Through this failed friendship, I now have even better friends that build me up with my relationship with God and my daily life. God gave me the answer to the question “why has this friendship failed” and it has changed me for the better!

  3. Yes, I have recently went through failed friendships of many years. Through this failed friendship, I now have even better friends that build me up with my relationship with God and my daily life. God gave me the answer to the question “why has this friendship failed” and it has changed me for the better!

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