What’s up guys! Happy week 2 of our devotional series! This week we are focusing on asking God “what!

Have you ever wondered..

– “what’s my purpose?”

– “what I am supposed to be doing in a quiet season of my life?

– “what do I do?”

I just graduated college and that has been the hot question,

“Jorja, what are you doing after college?”

If you asked me last year what my plans would be, I would have told you I was going to be a middle school teacher in my hometown. I didn’t have a backup plan because that was THE plan. Sadly, that plan didn’t happen. God was directing me to a path of life that seemed completely foreign to me. This path of His was not in MY schedule. It wasn’t what I originally wanted. So, if you like to be in control, like me, I was freaking out. I felt like my future was over. But, that is when God stepped in like never before.

He reminded me that my “plans” need to be lined up with His “calling” for me.

Now, this calling of His was given to ALL of His children. Even you. This calling isn’t a “once and a lifetime opportunity” , it is something that never expires. In the exciting seasons of life, the dry seasons, the scary seasons, and the sad seasons we still have the same calling. Let me show you three verses that emphasize your calling.

In Matthew 28:19, our calling is to make disciples of all nations. We are made, designed, and equipped to make His name known to the ends of the Earth and show His people the goodness He brings to our life. Of course, you can go on a mission trip to do that, but He may call you to something smaller, in your town. Being an example of Jesus to your coworkers, your friends, or even the barista at your local Starbucks. They see the glow that you have because of Jesus.

In Luke 12: 31-32 it simply says we need to Seek His Kingdom. See where God is leading you. Ask Him to chose the direction for you when you don’t know which way to turn in life. When you feel prompted by God to do something, give Him your “YES!” Our focus needs to be on Him. When your eyes are locked on Him, everything falls into place.

Matthew 5:16 says to let your light shine. You glow differently because you have Jesus. The light was never made to be kept inside of your house, it was meant to be shown to everyone around you. I promise you, when you are filled with Him, people notice. Trust me.

In summary, when you question the Lord “what?” The answer is always to “make His name known!” Everything you do, bring glory to His name.

When you are a mom… make His name known.

When you are a friend… make His name known.

When you are a sister… make His name known.

When you are a coworker… make His name known.

When you are a teammate… make His name known.

No matter what season of life you are in or the title you hold, your forever calling is to make His name famous.

Heavenly Father, I want to lift up my sister on the other side of the screen. God, I pray that she is reminded that her calling is make Your name famous. I pray that she brings glory to Your name in every aspect of her life. God, she is such an important piece to making heaven a crowded place. She is so special and loved! I am so thankful you have chosen her, God.


Tell me… what are you doing in life right now? How are you making His name famous?

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